Aries, the first sign of zodiac is known for being courageous and stubborn. They are ruled by Mars which is a Masculine Planet and have the Element Fire making them highly energetic and spontaneous. If you are born between 21 March - 20 April, then you are an Arian.
Here are the reasons why you would always love to have an Arian as your friend :
* If you make an Adventurous plan, the first one to say Yes is an Arian.
Aries is the most energetic sign and when it comes to adventurous trips they can never say NO.
* When you get into a fight make sure your Arian friend is around.
They are very courageous and you would see that even in those matters which don't concern them, still for a friend they would jump into it.
* They are very Loyal in their relationships.
If they are friends with you once they would make sure its a lifetime thing. They are good in keeping secrets and will always support you.
* They are very Optimistic in their approach to life.
Whenever you are depressed try calling an Arian and you would feel life is beautiful.
Despite all the above traits don't ever infuriate them, they can be very difficult to handle and will not think twice to make you pay for it.